(502) 2323-9191



About Us

About the Company

We are a pioneering International Freight Forwarder, with more than 51 years in the Guatemalan market, offering worldwide logistics solutions for cargo handling by air, sea, and inland, from collection to final distribution.

We have our own fleet of vehicles, with units equipped with a Satellite Tracking System (GPS), and specialized human resources, with extensive experience and constant training, providing a personalized service tailored to each Importer or Exporter client.

Strategic location within the facilities of COMBEX-IM and a member of National and International Institutions, such as CCG, CIG, AGEXPORT, AGAC, IATA and others, it has local and international strategic allies (Partner Freight Agencies), with whom commercial ties are shared, and we strengthen our alliance.


To be a logistical ally to provide the importer and exporter with an international and domestic cargo advisory and transportation service, through all available means of transport, with added value through our strategic location, extensive experience, personalized service through qualified personnel. and competitive, honest, agile and responsible, fully satisfying the requirements of our clients in a timely manner, guaranteeing a service that stands out for its safety, punctuality and quality.


To be a high-level company in the cargo transport service, with a high degree of reliability, highlighting the commitment to contribute to the country’s productivity, continuously improving and striving to provide security in our trips and serve our customers with the capacity , care and service you require.

Corporate Culture

The growth of the collaborators is promoted through activities that allow them to interact in a suitable environment, which promotes professional expansion and fulfillment, as well as personal, with values ​​and the business vision of Shipping Logistics.

All of the above is promoted through:

  • Loyalty
  • Respect
  • Honesty
  • Sincere Commitment
Standards and Norms
Service Standards to Achieve our Vision:

  • Courtesy
  • Innovation
  • Efficiency and Availability

Other norms and standards to reach our goals:

  • AGAC Code of Ethics signed by Shipping Logistics, S. A.
    (Presented to Tax Administration Superintendency)



Shipping Logistics is located within the COMBEX-IM facilities, it has all the security protocols required by the AEO (Authorized Economic Operator) certification, maintaining restricted access to facilities and warehouses through biometric controls, security cameras 24/7 monitoring, scanners, private security and other industrial security regulations.



At Shipping Logistics we have been certified & qualified as an Authorized Economic Operator as an actor in the Consolidator-Deconsolidator logistics supply chain, fulfilling all the requirements of the Superintendency of Tax Administration SAT, for said Certification, in accordance with the requirements included in the Operational Controls DG-IAD/DIA-ADU-AYR-2 and Administrative Controls DG-IAD/DIA-ADU-AYR-5, both version 1.

As an Authorized Economic Operator, we support the objectives of this certification to develop a climate of trust in international trade operations and the country’s customs administration, increase business competitiveness and efficiency, and strengthen the security of the supply chain.